The TechEx Team will donate 2% annually of the company's gross profit to MiMi's Mission. Mimi's Mission is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that runs programs geared at helping Michigan Downriver Autistic individuals and their families.
It’s important to us to support the much needed work that MiMi's Mission provides to our local community as Autism rates have tripled since 2000. Although there is no medical test for autism, the CDC has established a network of 17 sites across the country that estimate autism rates based on a combination of formal medical diagnoses and records from schools and health care providers.
Nationally, the rise in autism rates has been similar to the trend in New York and New Jersey, according to a 2021 CDC report. One in 54 children had been diagnosed with autism by age 8 in 2016, compared to 1 in 150 in 2000.